I wonder if it is getting up at 4:30 am or just our stage of life that Papa and I enjoy such a joyfilled marriage? Even leaving this morning, kissing me good bye and whispering in my ear that I am his greatest blessing. I wonder and suspect it is a combination of both. please consider starting your day off with your mate in the company of Your Abba.
I wonder about prayer?? I believe it changes something fundamental in me and in my own relationship w/Abba. I wonder about answered prayer?? I mean I really prayed about Frank and then he ended up in your lives....i wonder :)
I wonder about reading the Bible and how it has softened me, your Papa. I wonder that people say Bible thumpers are legalistic, I wonder how does that happen? It's a love letter ....
so i wonder at the love letter some days...today reading in Joshua about stoning, in the psalm David's a lamenting one, not only lamenting but cursing out those who persecute him...and even the NT today, 1 Cor.5, Paul saying confront sin in the church....I wonder at who am I to confront...I wonder at who am I to call your sin out...I wonder and yet I am wondering if in the wondering I am missing a piece of obedience?? i wonder if i lay too heavy on the side of GRACE? I wonder if I miss opportunities to help another be closer to You and then I wonder at my arrogance to think so.....?
in the wondering tho, the tears that flow out of frustration maybe I am like David and lamenting to my Abba and yours...He hears and if I will listen perhaps I will hear an answer or two....or maybe not but in the listening, leaning into listen i will hear something.
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