I love the Bible, I love to watch others fall in love with it, to fall in love with He who wrote it, inspired the stories written and lived in it.....finding them selves deeply loved and more loving...... I read it every day not because I have to but because I love it. I love the connection it seems to offer me to someone who knew me before I was born . Who knows and calls me to a different way of thinking, being........who knows me and forgives me....who helps me avoid shame and being all about me to thinking more of and moving towards others.......who when I try to label and categorize others reminds me how little I know.....
I love it because I feel humbler and softer and more loving from reading it, still stubborn and rebellious and selfish and I pray somehow, someway my Grands come to love it the same. I pray for them to KNOW Jesus and allow that knowing to take them to a place of trusting Your Spirit to DO amazing things for Your Glory and I have not a clue what those things are.....
I pray that I talk about You, Jesus, Your Spirit in a way that isn't weird or off putting or rude or self righteous ....... I need Your help to know my own story and be able to tell it. I need to be quiet more than speak.......
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