this is papa's helmet, my view on the back of the bike. i want to start by complaining that wahhh that's all i see but the truth is because of following that helmet i have seen over 1/2 of this united states! wow huh?
it's had me wondering these last few weeks, probably months and boy i hope not years what i miss by focusing on what i see instead of what is out there.
i woke up this morning with the word courage...courageous...BE of good courage.
a dictionary definition is: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty. I think maybe it is important for me to 'listen' today...
for someone always looking to fit and yet feeling this call to a certain's maybe about resilience (another word i woke up to) and perseverance? just seeing the helmet and maybe that's a really good thing. I SEE it's ahead of me and now to follow, trusting or at least knowing that Papa (God) is ahead of me....and behind me and with me every step of the way.
i am not saying papa is Papa...the vision of the helmet being Papa is a good metaphor for me. and maybe for you guys, to know that our God knew you before you were born and put you on the back of the bike with Him to take you where He wants you to go and boy guys and gals, my precious grands I hope you come to know this and trust it and follow /ride wherever it is He takes you. BE of good courage and seek Him always. love you more than i can say....gigi
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